Posted: September 20th, 2011 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Older stuff | No Comments »

So last fall we visited the Stockholm Gaming convention and sat in what amounts to be a cold airplane-hangar which is a bit out of the way. Last year the convention was really small, but this year the attendance had picked up a bit.
This year the convention sported a Mythos-theme, and we wrote up a Mythos-inspired scenario called “Through the Eyes of Madness” which was available at the convention for the very first time. It is hard to introduce such a big and complex setting as the Mythos into the Lost Roads of Lociam with just a small adventure, and it won’t be a lasting element in the world, but as a one-off it fun.
The module ties in with an upcoming article in the Swedish gaming magazine Fenix which will be coming out in the coming weeks. The article there is on “Lost Treasures” and one of these lost treasures is located in the dark vaults of this horrible cult which is found in the adventure we sold at the convention. The other treasures are linked into other adventures, so stay tuned.
For more news as they happen in this project you can visit our
Posted: June 18th, 2011 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Older stuff | No Comments »
Again this year Lost Roads of Lociam travelled to the Linköping Gaming convention to be part of the fun. This year they had a post-apocalyptic theme and it inspired their entire place, the staff, everything. It was very neat.
Right in through the door of the main hall you came onto this notice-board in the form of a tire-tower, and here you could see out poster.

Ours is hte big one at the bottom, scroll down for a better picture.
For this convention we had written a special scenario, a post-apocalyptic adventure-setting called “In glorious ashes”. My sister made this wonderful poster for it too.

And in English it reads "Post-apocalyptic fantasy? Is there such a thing? Oh yes - in limited print. Specially written for Lincon."
Then there were directions to the room where we were set up. We shared the space with the great guys of Goblin Games.

Here we sold our games, handed out free stuff and talked to players and testers for a few days. Loads of fun.

The armband was part of the theme, all the organizers got them, had their signature unicorn on it, and of course, given the theme, it was wearing a gas-mask!
Fore more news as they happen in this project you can visit our
Posted: April 24th, 2011 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Older stuff | No Comments »
I just came back from the 35th annual Gothenburg Gaming Convention, or GothCon as it is known.
Lost Roads of Lociam was represented at this event in the independent game-makers room, and below are a few pictures of how we were set up.
The event was a lot of fun, and thanks are owed not only to the other game-developers in the room, but also of course to the organizers and to Kenneth Hilte who was the guest of honour, who chatted briefly with everyone in the room, taking time out of what must have been a hectic weekend to get into the “indie-vibe”.

Entry into our room

The booth where we sold the game

The author displaying the buttons from all previous GothCons
We had a great time at the convention and look forward to the next one!
This convention also saw the launch of the Wanderer’s Compendium Volume II which will be finding its way out into distribution near you shortly. Watch this space.
Fore more news as they happen in this project you can visit our
Posted: May 18th, 2010 | Author: Webmaster | Filed under: Older stuff | Comments Off on Launch
The launch of the game Lost Roads of Lociam took place at the annual Linköping roleplaying convention the weekend of Ascension (fitting, somehow), 13-16 May 2010.
The game arrived Wednesday night but got unpacked in the morning of the 13th (Thursday). We were set up in a room of our own next to the big stores, and people passed the door looking in, bewildered, thinking there was something else going on in our room, like a three-ring circus or possibly a kiddie-pool. However, there were just us; me, and two helpers, and for three days we helped people create characters and held sessions to play the game.

You got a discount if you made a character on the spot, but if it was too good then you didn’t get any discount. One should never be greedy; if you get a great character you should just pay full price.
Friday night and Saturday noon we played two games, testing out the adventure Lights in Old Houses, with six players one session and seven the other. Both groups did really well considering their knowledge going in, and that they didn’t know one another, and accomplished their tasks. Well, almost. One magician did botch a “Spontaneous Combustion” and set fire to his friend, and when he tried a “Smother fire” to put him out, he botched again, and put out all the lights in the room instead. These things happen.
Some long-gone playtesters also dropped in, honoring us with their presence and buying their own copy.
We had a great time and greatly look forward to seeing those of you who attended on the forum, and on our next event, which is being planned right now.
Here the author shows off his collection of convention-badges.
Fore more news as they happen in this project you can visit our