• Cursed with some slight inspiration

Posted: May 12th, 2019 | Author: | Filed under: News | Tags: | Comments Off on • Cursed with some slight inspiration

Sometimes there are no ideas, and sometimes there are.
And sometimes, just sometimes, there are more ideas than there is space and time to actually complete.

Right now the game is in the latter of these two, and I will have to slow down in producing material so that I can catch up on the layouting of the game, the playtesting and refining, and hopefully make my way towards printing this, the 15th edition of the game.

Currently, the 15th edition has a rulebook, which is complete, and a set of character creation rules, along with a set of adventures

  • Lights in Old houses – this old gem has seen a facelift into the new edition.
  • Circles disrupted – dive into the nightmares and politics of magical circles
  • When two tribes go to war – be part of the powerstruggle and plight of tribes
  • Same old story – isn’t it always the case; heroes always get asked to be heroes?
  • In Glorious ashes – written for a themed convention, this post-apocalyptic setting has seen a rework.
  • Through the eyes of madness – another themed product, this adventure crosses the Lost Roads of Lociam with the Cthulhu Mythos.

Then there is the very first expansion; The World that Is. Apart from containing a whole lot of information on the world of humans of the Second People, rules for plants, herbs, potions and alchemy, this also contains new higher magic Spheres and some new monsters.

  • The Making of a Church – church politics on a whole new level
  • To vie for a throne – the struggles for the throne are all too real
  • God is on our side – when army faces army, the favour of the gods will tip the scales.
  • The Blackened gate – where is the 9th company? What is behind the blackened gate?
  • Matters of the heart – delve into the mysteries of the long-lost past of Lociam.
  • Passing of the torch – knights clash in this tournament with more than honour on the line.
  • Dread sails – pirates and the hunt for clues ranges up and down the coast.
  • Losing sight – can some treasures be too costly to be worth digging up?
  • Glare and thirst – just a slight blurb in the last edition, the sun now shines brightly on this adventure.

As things stand right now I will revisit the character creation and then start layouting, before returning to actually producing more material. Things need some order, or the struggle against Chaos will have been lost.

Thank you for coming along on this journey!

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