• Sometimes you get to fix mistakes

Posted: February 8th, 2021 | Author: | Filed under: News | Tags: | No Comments »

I am, as you may know, editing the latest edition of the game.
And I am using a machine to help me (I also have a duck, if any of you get that reference).
One of the things I am looking at is if the professional trainings are equal. I mean, do you get a raw deal for being trained as a craftsman as compared to a magician, from a points-perspective. As the chance to get all the professions is the same, it makes sense that they should be “worth” the same, right?
It is important to not overpower certain groups of characters. So I ran the numbers, and it came out like this.

Worst professional training?
Warrior – absolute wreck. Just shy of 30% of the training the higher tier professions get.
Pathfinder, Leader, Demonhunter – pretty dismal. Just about 50% of the training that the better ones get.

The winners?
Magician comes out at the same level as Priest/Priestess, at twice the Pathfinder, Leader and Demonhunter.
Healer – slightly ahead of the magician.
Top of the totempole? Craftsman. Soooo many points.

Now warriors get +10 Athletics, +20 Martial and a free Proficiency in a weapon/armor. Instead of just +5 Athletics and +15 Martial.
And demon-hunters jump from +10 Perception, +5 Martial and +5 Magic to a far more respectable +20 Perception, +10 Martial and +10 Magic.

Instead of a spread between 14 points of “gains” to 35, the spread is now 32-34. Far fairer all around.

That took me the better part of an evening to sort out, but at least now it is done, and I think the professions are all the better for it.

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